Woman Haters Club Guidelines

There are NO heated Flame Threads. If you can't argue your point like adults then Stay Off My Site. I have been watching you women and the way you treat people so what I talk about is what I see going on. You Don't Like It Stay Off MY Site.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Women Sux

Women of Today

Sitting in my house watching the paint dry I have had many thoughts on this subject. The women that read my blogs will find them extreamly offessive and for my part take them that way. My marriage ended in one half of a dinner. It took me 15 years of starting out the best there was. We were a couple that was soul mates. I fell deeply in love with this woman and could not shake the feeling. Pressure from In-laws and parents just bonded us together like glue. After my accident things seemed to go south quickly. We had to move in with her mother and grandfather so that they could help pay the bills. In their terms it was a way to keep their eye on us and have free labor. The mental abuse was at least 5 times a day around there and my wife at the time could not stop them and most of the time did not try. I finally got the point that this is the way is going to be so I made a hard decision to leave. I could have Maned up and took the abuse but even a strong man gives up after awhile. Every sense the final papers were signed I do not date. In my home town the majority of the women either are dating black men or hispanics. The ones that are left over are anywhere from 50 to 250 pounds overweight. Then there are some that have the attitude of I have a cut that dont heal men should bow down to me. Another group are the ones that I have been hurt to many times and dont trust anymore. Women for me is I wouldnt put them out if they were on fire. I have lost all hope in the women population. There are a very few that I will be close with Immediate family is the only ones. Many commercials on TV are now its a womans world so walk all over it. Every TV show shows how strong women are and how duffas men are. You walk around shopping centers or the mall and the women are leading their men by their nose rings demanding everything and setting the rules on where they are going later. Most of these guys do not get sex or any form of affection at home so they do their chores, clean up for bed and go there to sleep until the next day. They are zombies that are nothing better than cattle on a nose ring with his nuts cut off. I have found that being alone is cheaper and better on my mental states. Since I have written off women I have found I can buy more stuff cause I have more money and am more happy becuase there are no arguments over stupid stuff. Sex is easy cause you can go buy a whore for an hour cheaper than getting a date, go to dinner then a movie and hope you get lucky. With a whore your guaranteed your gonna get laid and dont have to go through the other stuff. Men need to stand up and say enough is enough. A womans priority in life is MONEY, STATUE And LOOKS. You have to have 2 out of 3 to get a woman that is half way decient but watch those. If something changes you will loose her becuase the ratio will change. When the ratio changes so will your address. When I started looking again I started to notice how relationships work now and a seed of hate was planted. I have asked many out on a date and get the explanations of Im not ready, Too Busy, Just want friends and such. I even Put my real name here so that questions or complaints can be directed at me. Remember if you want to discuss this like adults then I will talk, If you want to play defensive and say my last what ever treated me like this. Think I AM NOT YOUR LAST HUSBAND OR BOYFRIEND, I worked 90 hrs a week to give my exwife everything she Ever wanted. I never said no to any request she wanted. The only thing I ever wanted was affection that was shown and a little sex every once in a while. My sex life was once every 5 months or longer and was very quick. I got kisses when I did everything on the list and they had to be done right. I had to cook clean and take care of the kids while she played video games. I still have deep feelings for her but she has moved on with another guy. The Deep seeded Hate has started to grow outside for others to see. I will not let a woman check me out at the stores. I will get a guy to do it. I only talk to men about things that have to be fixed or I am repairing. My best friend asked me If I was turning gay but like I told him a gay guy has femmine tendancys and I hate females. I hate the fact that men are even involved in their nomenclature. Like Woman, Women, Female. See males and men are in those names. Men will never get away from these things. Women bring nothing to the table anymore. There used to be a dowery, Virginity, or they actually took care of their men after they got back from work. Women back then loved their man unconditionally. They took care of their man and the Men might not have given them everything they did give them the best they had. Now If you dont buy a woman a gift on Valentines Day, Easter, Birthday, Anniversary, Christmas or after you get into a fight you will be so deep in the dog house it would take a small house loan to get a good enough present to get you out. We get bitched at for working too many hours and get bitched at if we bring home a small paycheck. Pick a argument. You gripe cause we arent taking care of ourselves but you can put on 200 pounds and ask us if you still look sexy. This is a loaded question and you will never hear the truth cause the truth will get you killed not free. So for the guys to get a woman, Make Tons on Money, Be apart of the High Sociaty and Go to the gym and get bigger. These are the only way to get a woman now days.

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