Woman Haters Club Guidelines

There are NO heated Flame Threads. If you can't argue your point like adults then Stay Off My Site. I have been watching you women and the way you treat people so what I talk about is what I see going on. You Don't Like It Stay Off MY Site.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Another Day On the Blue Marble

I go to the store and watch others, I go to the Malls and watch others. When you are alone you can stay under the radar of others and see how they truly behave. I notice when a male in a relationship is kinda like when a whale has been kept in captivity to long. The slumped shoulders, the dead eyes and the look of kill me please. Then you see the female, yelling at him for no apparent reasons, talking down as if he was the dog at her heals, or barely noticing his existence. This is why women fought so hard for. Equal Rights, yeah right. For Who? They tell me its because of the way they were treated, but I didn't know they lived in the times where they couldn't vote or treated differently. That would make them in their sixties and from their birth certificates they were not born no where near that time. It seems that women like many other minorities are gonna play the past trump card forever. Women will use sufferage for a long time, most women do not know what sufferage is or what it meant. Instead of living their lives the way they deem it should be ran, they listen to their divorced bitter mothers. They tell me that its my fault because if you haven't made it work with women then its not the women but the man. Every woman I have ever been with has by standard of battered women, treated me like shit. I was either disposable, stay for awhile and then leave for the bigger better thing, I was stupid, play around with the whole neighborhood and hope I don't figure it out. I was hooked, be a cute girl and make him want you more by showing affection then ween off year by year until you don't have to touch him or just plain ole bully, by letting him think because of past relationship and the way they were treated this is the way I am but hope to get better. Trust me they don't get better. Women of today are no better than leaches. They drain you of any spirit you have, they take the last of your fight, destroy your manhood and when that's gone they either leave for another victim or they refuse to have anything to do with you, constantly nag, bitch and gripe about every detail of your day until there is only two options, death or divorce. Sometimes I look back and wish I took death but that is the way of the weak. The best way to cope is write this and hope some man that is thinking of asking the question will see this and really think about that angel and look twice. Better to measure twice and cut once.

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